Tanks testing tool скачать
Description > Tanks testing tool скачать
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Description > Tanks testing tool скачать
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We've had some reports of download problems while using newer versions of Internet Explorer. However, in time, there will be a forced migration of all launcher users. While the game is enjoyable, however, it doesn't hold up in terms of design against other similar games.
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Taking a page from the popular Worms series, this well-designed game puts a rocket in your pocket so you can take out other enemy tanks. While the tool is enjoyable, however, it doesn't hold up in terms of design against other similar games. The game menu is too clever, for one. This process takes so long, however, that during testing we got bored. Overall the program window is well designed, with large, easy-to-read buttons. Unlike Worms, testing is no voice-over during the action, which we missed. That said, the background music is very entertaining. To play, select a weapon in turn with your opponent, choose the angle of your shot and how powerful you want the shot to be, and the fire away. If you like Worms, this game скачать appeal, but it's not at the top of the list. Pocket Tanks is designed to be the fastest tool of artillery you'll ever play, with all the excitement of lobbing projectiles over a mound of dirt without the complicated details found in most artillery games. Select your angle and power, then fire a very unique arsenal of weapons at your opponent. Games are won based on points for good aiming. It is fun for the whole family. Funs on mosy any tank and windows versions. Had скачать on as slow as 386 and as fast as ahtlon x2. Ive spent housr playing it. Cons well its not the big 3d games most people are used to. I for one dont mind it a bit. Ive had it for year. Pocket Tanks also uses very little system resources. Cons One of the negative effects of having so many weapons is that players who don't own the game or play much may be confused with the variety of weapons. Other than that, there aren't many cons to consider at all! Summary Overall, Pocket Tanks is a brilliant, yet addictive, game that can be played over and over with out repetition. Graphics are good and has several challenging levels to choose from. Considering the upgrade for more weapons and tank moves. But the free version is great, but addicting!! Cons I couldn't submit my reveiw unless I typed something in here. I have no cons to type. Summary I recommend downloading this game. It is very well done. Great game for kids and adults alike. You are logged in as. Please submit your review for Pocket Tanks 1. One-line summary: 10 tanks testing Count: 0 of 55 characters 3. Pros: 10 characters minimum Count: 0 of 1,000 characters 4. Cons: 10 characters minimum Count: 0 of 1,000 characters 5. Summary: optional Count: 0 of 1,500 characters The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Full Specifications General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date September 28, 2007 Date Added September 28, 2007 Version 1.